Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The New Fan's Disclaimer

I am not impartial. Further more, I am completely biased. I love the Seahawks. I like seeing the Bears, Ravens, Steelers, Panthers, Broncos, and everybody else in the NFC west lose. My knowledge of the NFL largely comes from closely following the league over the past three years, and just barely paying attention prior to that. I have a Left Coast bias, and a slight anti-East Coast bias.

And all of that makes following the NFL fun. That's what this blog is about - having fun and giving an outlet for my NFL fan hobby.

This blog is all about my thoughts, some of which will based on facts, some of which will be pure gut feelings and passion. I'll also try my best to post the links of the NFL stories I read each day (and maybe podcasts too, if there's an easy way to link to them).

With that said, let's start with some divisional previews...

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